WIP Wednesday: Rediscovering Collage

Art, Uncategorized

Welcome to WIP (Work in Progress) Wednesday. I should be showing you art (that I haven’t made yet…) for my graphic novel project. But instead, I’m going to share my new-found love of collage with you. What?! I know… I’m confused about it too.

Good News Collage by Sheri Roloff

So, I’m not sure what instigated this collage frenzy. Maybe it was all the cleaning and sorting of art supplies during my recent move (I found so much cool stuff I’ve saved over the years thinking, “I could make something with that!”) Maybe it was the awesome heavy-stock glossy booklet sample I got from work that is just begging to be filled. Or maybe I’m anxious about working on my graphic novel and dabbling with something that’s purely play and essentially uneditable is refreshing.

Evil Megasquid Collage by Sheri Roloff


I’ve mentioned this in the past (probably to make myself feel better about a different random side project!), but I still love it. Austin Kleon touts the importance of side projects and productive procrastination:

“I think it’s good to have a lot of projects going at once so you can bounce between them. When you get sick of one project, move over to another, and when you’re sick of that one, move back to the project you left. Practice productive procrastination.” – Austin Kleon in Steal Like an Artist

So maybe this collage phase isn’t all bad…?

P.S. Despite what appears to be a current lack of focus, I soaked up tons of inspiration and knowledge at SCBWI’s Wild Wild Midwest Conference a few weeks ago. I shared a few highlights here.